A wise man will grow more opportunities than he buys.
Did you know there is a section of the Pacific Ocean twice the size of the continental United States that is called the Great Pacific Garbage Patch?
Our planet isn’t in very good shape right now. The air is polluted. The ocean is becoming plastic soup. We’re in a financial crisis. Things don’t seem to be looking too good, huh?

Most of the Australian rainforest has been destroyed. Logged, turned to pastures, removed to allow for mining. Rainforest is the single most important contributor to the lifeline of the entire planet Earth - oxygen and moisture. We are slowly turning the w
Kangaroo 11.03.2013 0 3
adminpdf107.63 Kb06.11.2012
MIT researchers use genetically modified virus to produce structures that improve solar-cell efficiency by nearly one-third.
Without the aid of maps, roadsigns, and GPS equipment, many human travelers would have hard time reaching their destinations, but such unassisted journeys are no problem at all for humpback whales.
Clean energy has long been at the forefront of economical and environmental discussions across the globe.
Sites — Welcome to the Urban Food Garden website.  Many people dream about living on a few hectares in the country and growing their own food. Yet in reality the majority of us live in an urban environment, over ninety percent of Australians do so and most are unlikely to ever to move to the country. This s…
06.11.2012 0 comments From admin
The Lane Cove Sustainability Action Group, together with other environmental groups rallied at Blues Point in North Sydney on Saturday 18th August  in support of a National Container Deposit Scheme. People are concerned with the amount of plastic waste in our oceans and fed up with the beverage ind…
18.11.2012 06:00
Blues Point, Sydney, Australia
From admin
The Lane Cove Sustainability Action Group (LCSAG) is an incorporated community group committed to improving the local area in the face of climate change. The group has grown out of a movement spreading across Sydney where local people feel compelled to take personal action against the growing threat…
0 fans
Lane Cove, Australia
05.11.2012 From admin